Cenarion Circle Alliance Reconnections

Hey all.

Gerissar - Human Warlock here. I had bounced several guilds over the years, and, to be honest, can’t remember all of them. Kinda wish I had written them down now.

Anyways… I love this idea of finding former playmates through the forums!


I remember raiding with you back in MC and BWL with Azurio and folks from Broken Crusaders. I had a holy paladin named Ithamar.


Ithamar! How ya been buddy?

Horde player here. I just came to find



Xez - Nightelf Hunter - Unwanted Prophecy

Played several characters on CC back in ye olden times. Main was a NELF hunter named Veramest-- was in a guild I think was called Amanii Shando (sp?–been a long time) And then later Exilo Sanctum.

Bonney and Clyde, checking in. (human paladin and warrior, respectively)
Most of our run was guild-free, but we eventually joined Phoenix From the Ashes in the Wrath era.
Looking for way too many great people to start listing. :slight_smile:


Hi, Ehlina!! <3


Hi Bonney!! And hi to Clyde too! It’s been forever!!!

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Hi Ehlina!

I played Drenvoroth, a human mage…remember the STV arena shenanigans? You might also remember my friend’s character - Catre, a human rogue.

As a side note, I’d be interested in meeting the old school pvpers…Orestes, Korika, Malakai, etc. Anyone I used to pvp with - or against -.

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Hi ya Drenvoroth! Ah good old STV! And I definitely remember Carte. Y

You know. I think we should all pick like a random Friday around October and have a “big class reunion” and make it an event like we used to do

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I’ve been well, still playing on CC retail version. How are you?

Planning on coming back for classic? I haven’t been in touch with anyone in the raid group since vanilla.

Nienn, Voshdov here. I ran with Soul Reck for a time towards the end, AQ days. I mostly partied with Hargivas there and Kyrisha.

Anos, Human Warrior. Tanked for Heaven and Earth, Alpha Group. Just stopping by to say hi to the old crew.

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Hi Bonney, Clyde and Ehlina!

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Valconius here, I lead the Descendants of Malfurion for a few years very early on before we became Descendants of the New Moon Not expecting to spot any original guildies on here but very good feels seeing so many of the original guilds popping up!

any ergo bibamus ppl watching this threat?

Hi there Khalin!

This is Drogden (Gnome Arcane Mage) (Herb/Alch)
I ran with “VOD”, also “Unknown Entity”(I think its what it was called)

Doing ok. Planning the return for Classic. I still keep in touch with Locke and Bunny.