Celebrate camaraderie between the Alliance and Horde…sorry what!?

You’ve got to be kidding me.

I don’t actually care about the dinosaur, I just won’t buy it. What I do care about is Blizzard destroying Warcrafts legacy with this nonsense.

WARcraft was built on the foundations of the conflict between the Alliance and Horde, a conflict that shaped the MMO I’ve played for 20 years.

Blizzard chooses to celebrate 20 years of WoW by asking for more money, and then suggesting the Horde and Alliance are now friends.

R.I.P Warcraft :wilted_flower:


They are friends. And have been since the end of BFA.


Going back even to when Warcraft was a RTS (n also many times in WoW), there’s been times where both sides united against a greater enemy.

Fake nerd.

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Look, we can unite against powerful enemies, none of us wants to die; but we’re not comrades, that’s too intimate for my taste. Don’t we agree here ?

WarCRAFT. This game was really about the war between crafters.

Honestly, there wasn’t conflict between the horde and alliance for a long long time now. The only conflict was the ones PvPers invented in their minds. Everyone else moved on, made friends, and wanted to cohabitate. The only time you ever saw faction war was for a blink of an eye in BFA and when Garrosh started a faction war between his own people (lol), then we went back to fighting big bads TOGETHER, as we always do.

It’s been World of Cutesy for a while now.

That stuff is popular with whales.

So it’s never going away, we’re gonna see more of it.

I wish WoW was darker myself, but it is what it is.

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If you’ve been playing for that long how could you not notice that the WAR between factions was dead since Pandaria (that expansion’s into cut scene shows a pair of Alliance & Horde grunts help each other out to try and beat a Pandaren; they WORKED TOGETHER IN THE CINEMATIC!). It was briefly resuscitated in BFA and then died again. Been effectively dead a LONG time.

I get your sentiment, but it’s a little late (would’ve been timely back in September 2012).


There’s been times yes, but helping each other to keep the world from ending doesn’t make us comrades. I still can’t fly over Stormwind without getting aggressively shot out of the sky, but people still want to pretend we’re all on the same side?

The Warcraft legacy was built on the war between Humans and Orcs, which evolved over time once other factions began getting involved.

Ultimately this game, in fact the entire Warcraft franchise used to be interesting because of the underlying theme of faction conflict. With Blizzard declaring that Horde and Alliance are now “comrades”, it’s like making an official announcement that Warcraft isn’t Warcraft anymore, and as a Boomer who’s been playing these games for close to 30 years, I’m not ready to see my favourite franchise devolve into Hello Kitty.


Let the Orcs in to Stormwind

Honestly, they’ve been “friends” since before WoW was even a thing… WC3 takes place before WoW even begins and has the Horde and Alliance at peace around the second fight for Hyjal.

I agree, which is why I snuggle a lovable little Elf and you get to sleep in this hole… dumps the Forsaken in a fresh grave

I love whales, and giant aquatic mammals love me.

wow lore is no more, its dead, alliance, horde, nothing matters, its just you the good guys vs some void or titan bad guy with ‘buh morals void can be good too’’ cliche thing

if you care about the universe play wc3, there are plenty of custom maps with lore better than tww

Warcraft 1: Orcs & Humans. In this game, it was Blackhand’s Horde vs the Kingdom of Azeroth (Stormwind). Okay, we still have Stormwind Humans, and former members of Blackhand’s Horde are among the Orcs.

Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness/Beyond the Dark Portal. In this game, the Orcs were joined by the Forest Trolls, Ogres from Outland, and had Red Dragons who were enslaved by the Orcs. They also worked with Deathwing. The Human nations formed The Alliance, and the Dwarves and Elves joined them to fight off the Horde. Of course, some Humans allied with the Horde (Perenolde of Alterac) and there were Humans vs Humans. Orcs also splintered and there was Orcs vs Orcs.

Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos/The Frozen Throne. This game added two new factions: The Undead Scourge and the Night Elf Sentinels. The Alliance had lost some of its membership states, but still included Humans from Lordaeron, Dalaran, Kul Tiras, etc… The Dwarves were also still there, as were some of the High Elves. The Undead Scourge was a faction that consisted of the risen dead of Lordaeron & Northrend. It also had demons from the Burning Legion and Nerubians, as well as some former Black Empire units. The Night Elven Sentinels included Night Elves, Sons & Daughters of Cenarius, Faerie Dragons, Stone Giants, Chimaeras, etc… The Orcs were no longer allied with Ogres and Forest Trolls, and then met Jungle Trolls and Tauren, along with a handful of random adventuring types.

So, things kept changing during and between the games. They fought, but they also made truces. They made new allies and old allies became distant or even became enemies.

But somehow, some way, you think that WoW, with its extremely rigid system where if you’re sorted onto Team Red or Team Blue, that’s your BFF group forever and you’ll NEVER talk with the other side or work with them is THE Warcraft way…

World of Warcraft’s rigid faction system has hamstrung the story for way too long. I may not be an Orcs best friend, because they destroyed my characters homeland when he was young, but why should I be at constant war with them? Why should I hate a random Tauren just because they are welcome in Orgrimmar? It’s stupid, and it has been stupid for quite some time now.