Celebrate 15 Years of World of Warcraft With New Alabaster Mounts!

Stone grey
Boring reused models
Its 15th Anniversary.

not at all

i donā€™t think iā€™m going to buy anymore flying mounts until ion quits screwing with flying. you allow us to fly for three months every two years, yet you have the balls to push flying mounts. really?


Ya, Iā€™m still waiting for ^^ to prove there was a store mount for sale in Vanilla.

Heā€™s lying after all.

Ya, thatā€™s not the Blizzard store.

The Celestial Steed serves both as a flying and a ground [mount] depending on the terrain. Freshly born from the [Twisting Nether], this supernatural [warhorse] takes flight with wings of pure elemental stardust.

This mount is directly purchasable from [Blizzard]. Released on April 15, 2010, it is the first mount to ever be offered in this way.

I know, the first actual store mount, right? So there, that proves heā€™s full of dung.

Of course after his condescending remarks

Iā€™m sure he will quickly apologize for his hubris of not being able to tell the difference between the World of Warcraft TCG Wow Trading Card Game and digital Mount sold on the actual Blizzard Store.

Why even listen to a guy that will rewrite history and facts to try and make himself ā€œlookā€ right?

Itā€™s best not to listen to this fellow as he is extremely bias and willing to bend the truth.


No, I am not going to apologize, cause i find it hilarious, sick, and pathetic, that you think the irl equivilent of loot boxes is somehow far better then the store we have now where you justā€¦ buy the mount.
It cost irl cash, something that is ingame, but could not be obtained ingame that is a shop. if blizzard gets paid directly or indirectly, it is still an item ingame that cost IRL cash.

three months? we are still 1 year away from the next expansion and i have already been flying for 1 monthā€¦ I dont think you can maths well.

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Marble white
I love how you say ā€œgreyā€ then ā€œcolourlessā€ thats literally contradicting what you saidā€¦ grey is a colour
New model
Yes, one of many thigns coming for the aniversary

Grey is a color that is technicly colorless.
The confusion can be easy.


No reason for thatā€¦

The blizzard store is a very specific thing. So specific, in fact, that there is a wiki page dedicated to it. And your mounts are not listed. You were wrong and extremely condensing, now people see you for the troll you are. You canā€™t change reality and facts.

I suggest you seek professional help for your issue. Trying to bend the facts to fit your delusion is not healthy.

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Winner, winner. Same happenings as some other places. :thinking::upside_down_face:

Iā€™m in two minds about these new mounts.

Should I buy them now or wait til tomorrow. Hmm. :thinking:

If itā€™s not obtainable in game, itā€™s wrong.

Spits in the face of people who have actually been playing for this long by asking them to celebrate by paying more money?


This just came to my mind after I checked out the News page, Soā€¦ Itā€™s the 15th year anniversary, Butā€¦They just put it at normal price of 25ā€¦? I mean obviously whomever did price for it and the website news, were not on the customers side for making it more reasonable price and match the 15 number

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good job on taking the new gryphon model and comparing it to the old one. Look up the vanilla gryphon mount.

look up brown Gryphon. The Grphons youā€™re using to compare are the mounts released in Legion or WoD i cant remember. The celebration mounts are the same model as the vanilla gryphons with minor tweeks (eyes). These are not unique.

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Celebrate the 15th anniversary of one of the greatest games ever made by buying more microtransaction mounts instead of earning them in game? No thanks blizzard, you lose more and more respect from me every time i see this crap, but its even worse when its part of the celebration of the 15th anniversary. Shameful


I canā€™t wait to see the new Vanilla store mounts they will eventually put in the game! We all know its going to happen. Look, I know they are a company but this is getting ridiculous.


My thoughts exactly! Happy Birthday! ā€¦ Oh by the way, you got to buy your own birthday present ā€¦ :ā€™(

its not the same to the old one eitherā€¦ seriously, not even slightly.

you seem to forget we are getting a pet and 3 mounts for the actual 15th aniversary.

What a way to devalue the uniqueness of my Classic Collectorā€™s Edition purchase. Thanks guys!