CE Resto Druid LF Guild

Hi Everyone,

Ive taken a LONG break from the game, and I’m looking at possibly raiding again.

I’m an experienced raider, with Cutting Edge in Antorus. I was 9/9M EN 9/10M NH, 7/9M Tomb, and Cutting Edge Antorus. As a boomkin off spec resto.
I raided this expansion but only killed M Zul before I stopped raiding. about 3 months ago. As a mage.

Looking for a 2-3 day raiding guild. I’m looking at raiding as Resto druid off spec boomkin. I’m available all days, and need an afternoon raid start.

I figured I would give this a shot to see if anyone was interested. I am pretty behind in gear, as I just finished leveling and now Im starting the gearing process and catching up. But I will get back up there with time, and a decent guild.

I may be open to transfer for the right group, but would prefer to stay in the same server.

Battle tag: Wattle#11559

We’re looking for a moonkin/resto flex player if that sounds like something you’d be interested in. Let me know.

Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders

GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517 on Bnet or Xantoniel#1979 on Discord