CE Healer LF GMT +8 WA-based guild uwu


I’m a healer in search of a 2-3 night a week GMT +8 raid team moving into Shadowlands. I’ve achieved 12/12M CE Ny’alotha on a Restoration Druid, and intend to re-roll to a Restoration Shaman. I would like to play on Frostmourne Alliance, but would not be against moving if an opportunity presented.

Ideally, raid times would be in the vicinity of 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM GMT+8.

I can provide logs on request. I have experience performing healing officer duties at a Mythic level - particularly with planning cooldowns, recruitment, and log review.

Please reach out to me on Bnet - Commander#11353. Happy to have a chat in-game or over Discord if necessary.


Highly recomended healer. He raided with us all the way to M Zoth and was nothing short of an asset to the team. Any guild that is in a time zone that suits would be lucky to have him on board. Nothing short of a good bloke too, easy to deal with personality. Just a shame about the zone difference.

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This may be really out of your league but I hope you might consider us if you run out of options. We are targeting lower mythic experienced players 3/12M to 7/12M NYA, and are forming a new mythic prog group. The majority of us have played hardcore raids in a previous game as described in our post, and are confident that we can handle the mechanics SL mythic progression throws at us. We just lack the numbers and therefore are recruiting people with lower experience because we don’t have CE ourselves (due to low numbers of members).

We describe our recruitment process briefly and have a more specific plan if you would request it. We will ensure a proper team is ready come mythic release. We have currently 15-17 members and are still looking for 1 healer which happens to be a resto shaman and or holy paladin.

We raid 8:30 - 11:30 GMT+8 Wed, Fri and Sat and are mainly Singaporean too, with some HK members :), meeting all your requirements.

We could also use some CE players that would like to aid in planning and checking our compositions as well. I do hope you do give us a try, we will not disappoint!
