CE Guild LF 1 WARLOCK & 1 DPS for Shadowlands

We have an immediate opening for one ranged DPS and 1 Warlock, but will consider any talented, committed player who is void of major personality issues. What we are LF in a raider is that you are on time, maintain solid attendance, perform at a high level, and keep trying to improve your play, gear, neck etc. I will pay for the server transfer if you cannot and you are the “right fit”. This is a 12-year-old guild and raid team that has raided every week for 4 years. We look to strengthen our group with a couple more solid and committed players for 8.3 and Shadowlands. We currently raid 3 Nights a week in which one night is heroic to develop alts and get a good look at other guild members to see if they can move up into our Core Raid Team. We also have a development raid on Sunday’s for our very large and active guild. Raid Days and Times: Tues and Wed 5:45-8:45 Pm Pacific (8:45-11:45 Est) Fridays is at 6 Pm Pacific. We also have been running an “open guild run on Sundays” (alts welcome too) for our large active guild of over 400 players. I prefer to be contacted in Discord only = Horse#5014 or our Raid Leader Discord = Zeack#4162.Warcraft Logs are public (knock yourself out) We moved from an AOTC Guild to CE for the first time this year and got CE. Braveheart is on US Silvermoon / Mok’Nathal Now Connected with Borean Tundra, Drak’Thul, Hydraxis, Shadowsong , Skywall , and Terenas (The Smorgasbords of Realms !!! )

Thank you Horse US Mok’Nathal