Okay All,
Here is my spiel…
I have been away from WoW Retail since EP, playing WoW Classic. I am looking to make a return to Retail for SL and I am seeking a new group of fellow neck beards to raid with.
About Me:
I have been raiding and tanking since the release of TBC. During that time I have raided at both a very high level (Sunwell pre 3.0, Server Firsts all T7, Yogg No Guardians, CE Emerald Dream, etc) and at a more casual level yet still delving into mythic content each tier.
What I’m Looking For:
- Community!!! I can’t stress enough the one thing that playing Classic this past year has made me remember, is just how important the community aspect is to me. I want a group of people that will hang out in Discord while questing and doing dailies. I want to build friendships with the people I am slaying dragons with.
- Mythic Progression Raiding. I want a group that is looking to push CE or close to it each tier. CE is not a must but neither is barely getting AOTC. My time is valuable and I want to be with a group that has fun but also knows when to get serious and push progression.
- (2 - 3) Raid Nights a Week. Not looking to turn WoW into a full time job. I want a group that is able to get things done on a 8 - 12 hour a week raid schedule.
Sunday - Thursday 9:30 PM EST - 2:00 AM EST
If interested in talking further please add Spanks#1861 on BNET and we can chat!