Joining in with the chorus of other wayward souls attempting to find a home for TWW.
I have been playing since BC, raiding at various levels of tryhard in that time. I have a few CEs under my belt and my aim most seasons is to achieve at least KSM and AOTC on a limited schedule (2 night raiding tops). I am open to a CE push if I find the right social fit.
What I offer - willing to play either Holy Pally or Resto Shaman depending on guild needs. Also willing to play range dps with my mage if healer spots aren’t required. I am a dutiful raider who comes prepared with knowledge, consumables, team spirit and banter.
Its been a long time since I have found a proper home in WoW due to life getting in the way or guild drama imploding an otherwise good guild. I’d really like to find a good bunch to play with as I am tired of pugging and it ends up with me quitting the game for a few tiers.
Leave a response here with your details.