CE Disc/Holy Priest LFG


I’m a Disc/Holy priest looking to join a Cutting Edge raiding guild.
My goals are to play my class at the highest levels and down challenging raid content while it is relevant.

I am available to raid three times a week from 6:00 pm - 12:00 am EST. I read guides, watch videos and come prepared to ALL raids on time. I’m willing to transfer servers.


Btag Esmer#11149
Discord Esmer#7510

Thank you

Hello there, our CE focused team has a couple open spot and i know they’re looking for a priest. I’ll drop the guild info below and if you’re interested, contact Serl for more info on the mythic team.

[H][US][Dalaran] 2-Day Mythic Progression Guild LF DPS - T/Th (8-11 PM EST)

Hello Myixi!

I would love for you to join my team!

Progression: 2/10 M CN, 10/10 H SoD, 11/11 H Sepulcher – been filling the roster still.

Our History: We recently reformed on Dalaran for a better server culture and are excited to have a Stranger Things-themed guild!

What we offer:

  1. Mythic + (multiple groups run +20-27 keys)
  2. Alt raiding, transmog runs, and other guild activities
  3. Guild repairs
  4. Potentially PvP nights in the future
    Battle Group(Stormstrike): Andorhal · Anetheron · Archimonde · Black Dragonflight · Dalaran · Dalvengyr · Dentarg · Duskwood

What we want:

  • Attendance (90%+ ideally) (but – real life comes first, we get that!)
  • Come prepared for fights and be willing to take feedback

Current Needs (for Mythic Team): DPS: Fire Mage, Demo Lock, and/or a Havoc Demon Hunter
Heals: Resto Druid
Tanks: None

Current Wants (for Mythic Team): Unholy Death Knight/Enhance Shaman/Balance Druid/Windwalker Monk

For more information, add the following Battle Tag:
Recruiter: Malideon#1650 -Bnet (Malideon#6527 -Discord Preferred)