CE disc priest lf new home

this is becoming way to frequent than I’d like to admit
guild just announced they won’t be raiding next tier
3k io this season and CE achieved tonight

I have references so please don’t hesitate to reach out
Discord: faiwybeawy
bnet: FairyBeary#1969

Hey there Circus of Shame is looking for a disc priest for our 10.2 CE focused team.

We are Zul’jin based and raid T/W/Th from 8:30-11:30pm ET

I appreciate the offer, but I will have to pass since you guys are so new

No worries! Good luck with the search for a guild!

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bumping upwards

I have a dh, a paladin and a dragon all max level and almost 440 ilvl!

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Bumping up for 10.2

back up to the top :smiley:

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going up and up and up

I am currently recruiting for group 2 of my guild.
Never Raid Sober

We raid Monday/Tuesday 9pm Est till midnight est.

Tanks: closed (confident dps with tank offspec would be enjoyed)
Healers: pres evoker with confidence as augment or dev. Or resto shaman with confidence as enhance.
DPS: huge need of enhance shaman and any other ranged.

Chill atmosphere with the goal to push CE but have a fun time doing so.
We like to hang out, shoot the crap and learn from our mistakes.
Any questions let me know, contact me!

Discord: tanatithe
Bnet: tanatithe#1976

Thanks, hope to hear from new recruits!

Ps. Will jeed to xfer to area 52 for mythic prog. Faction does not matter. We have both in our guild.

Bumping back to the top 80+ parses on my normal AND heroic logs

Been watching your post for a bit, going to throw my hat in the ring here for a CE team I am rebuilding. Let me know if you want to talk in DMs on discord : disbeliever

Appreciate your interest but no thank you

bumping up for thanksgiving

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