Cdew's Suggestions

Please watch this video and let me know what you guys think of some of the suggestions, hopefully blizz will get an idea of what the community wants

I’m vaguely familiar with who he is, but this segment of your thread is going to lead to a load of people not taking you seriously. It implies he speaks for the “community.” Which, again, I stated I vaguely recall who he is … which, to me, means he does not speak for me.

Just a heads up before the flames begin to roll.


Is it bad that I literally don’t want to watch the vid solely because he put his smug face in the thumbnail? Just screams presumptuous.


Posting before everyone gets mad at you for “advertising” lmfao​:joy::joy:


Are you Cdew’s managing agent or something? Why would i watch an hour video and then let you know my thoughts – instead of just going and commenting directly to Cdew’s twitter feed.


I think that if the creator of the video would like to come here and discuss his thoughts, that’d be great.

Otherwise? I’m more interested in what people here have to say about what they think about the game. The forum is about an exchange of ideas–not “here’s a video.”


I saw it when he was streaming that. He definitely had some good ideas(maybe not the best but better than what we have) overall for the classes/specs he knows and talked about.

  1. Think for yourself. You’ve literally dropped some guy’s YouTube video here and said “Discuss”.

  2. Even if your personal opinions happen to match the video’s, at least list the talking points in text form. You’ve dropped a ONE HOUR rambling video cut from a Twitch (or maybe he actually uses YT, idk) Stream on us. Almost no one will spend that amount of time figuring out what he has to say. I guarantee you can bullet point that down to a handful of points.


I agree with above lass, but I’ve enjoyed the video nevertheless.

Thing is… a lot of his ideas were kind of basic sense, no brainers… It shows how the problems with the game are glaring…

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I have no idea why youtubers feel the need to do that.


It makes their videos jump out at you more in your recommendations. “Oh, there’s a Cdew video.” Loads of people either put their face or make a standard style for their thumbs so their subs can spot them easier. More important now than ever with Youtube going bananas.

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Explains why Pewdiepie does it. So if you’ve got high notoriety it actually helps garner clicks. Interesting.

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Basically shows viewers who arent subs hey this guy knows his stuff and will educate you

I watched his video it does have alot of solid points. I agree the biggest issue with the game right now as a whole is classes they were pruned too much and we havent gotten anything new for it. instead we get these throw away systems that still dotn make us feel whole and lose everything they offered at the end of the expansion.

His point about the talent trees are on point as well. if all the talents in each row cant be balanced and niche then we should go back to the old talent trees.


Old talent trees would be so nice. I loved them much more than the current talent tree system.


Now if the Thumbnail was Hakkar the Soulflayer draining the Blood from Activision, THAT would’ve been an awesome Thumbnail.

This video is brilliant to @OP ignore all the trolls which did post below they’re most likely pve players and don’t understand a single word being said in there


I don’t care if you want to share some streamers thoughts - but expecting us to watch an hour long video? Can’t you just summarize some key points or something?

Don’t you kids have cliff notes these days? Homework from the forums just isn’t fun.


clicks link

sees its a 1 hour video




Honestly I dont care what he thinks nor do the developers or the lawyer.