Cdew Speaks For Everyone About Destro

OP ain’t wrong. But then again, OP is Abomb.

Fkn wrekt!


the tankiest class in pvp is a caster wearing robes with tons of CC and enough dmg to global you. they dont kite they just stand there and cast forcing all kicks into them. blizz is right to not see anything wrong with destro scaling with how poorly they have performed at the end of legion and bfa. and they have to run with hpal for bops. super gimp spec plz buff

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Didn’t see him complain about Rsham in Legion when it was OP

Kinda like him being the only team playing DH mana burn in most tournies then “complaining” how it’s broken and bad for the game.

Yet still continues to play it.

Cwho? Melee Cleave Orange LoL


You don’t fight for me, you’re a tank in PvP; you’re the enemy.

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I only play affliction on my warlock regardless of how terrible it is in PvP.

Destro is so boring even if you can hit for 200k chaos bolts. If I wanted to play a turret I’d go man the cannons at Tol Dagor

That’s like saying to a libertarian that they’re a hypocrite for complaining about public roads while driving on them when they have no choice but to use them.

Rogues are worse.

Bring back old ret bane of demons, undead and evil design back so I can judge these foolish deads out of the living realm.

Remove destro firemage dh dk assa ww mw guardian.


That dude doesnt speak for me. Not ever!!! Cant stand him nor his opinions.

Thats like saying there was an unwritten rule not to play that cancer in tournies but Cdew and the gang still did because they couldn’t win without it.