CC topic: cosmetic glyphs skins

am i missing something? is this topic really an urgent topic expressed in GD? Please use your CC powers to focus on real issues: complaints about MT, boosters/gold sellers, and dead servers. you will gain respect from players by bringing up real issues that matter. thank you for taking the time to read this. What Should Cosmetic Glyphs Look Like? + Class Skins! - #3 by Worldpvp-nerzhul

If someone is dumb enough to give someone their account info (which I think is against the ToS anyway) they deserve anything negative that happens. You can’t be carried through a solo encounter

heya now, i have zero issue with mt. it’s tons of other players who do and all voices should be heard and respected.

Maybe it’s not “pressing” compared to other things but what was posted is a big thing to talk about. Customization is something most everyone likes to some degree.

The thread talks about “class skins” and replacing abilities, that’s a popular topic especially to classes like shaman. You see our lightning? Shamans have been wanting alternatives like Sethrakk lightning for a long time. There was even a chain lightning glyph change that didn’t come through, arguably worse but it was just not introduced as a glyph.

Maybe Chronomancer is already enough in Arcane that we won’t get it, so maybe making a Bronze Dragonflight spell set can fill that void. So it may not be a core issue so to speak but it is one that gets tossed around a lot without the most change. The Incubus is probably the largest change in modern WoW and that’s amazing, give us more!


sorry, but focus needs to be on the issues that are driving players away and discouraging new players from staying.