<CBT> is Recruiting!

in cbt we’re all a little quirky and love to tease and joke with each other but we feel thats what gives us flavor as compared to other guilds. we’re recruiting anyone that is looking for a relaxed experience with some good hard progression mixed in, but we’ll never overexert ourselves or you to get anything done, we respect people’s time and know they have lives outside of wow.

a distant but achievable dream of ours is to attempt mythic this expansion on ED, but most of us are just aotc raiders that clear heroic, nothing too crazy. however, we still have people of various skill levels contained within the guild so dont feel stressed or reluctant to respond to the post if you’re not someone who wants to dip their toes into mythic.

we’ll probably be running m+ every night with variable comps and willingness to help people gear via funnels or etc if available. we’re all helpers in cbt :smiley:

if you have any questions, drop them here and i’ll try and respond, and if you’d like an invite as well just reply with :eggplant: :hammer: ! (jk)