What new dungeons and raids do you want to see in CoT? From events of the RTS Warcraft games?
-more events surrounding the scourging of lordaeron. (Maybe when the plague is being discovered)
-when the orcs make first contact wit the night elves?
-raid for the defense of the sunwell?
-dungeons exploring the aftermath that is only told in stories of the plague, like the formation of the Scarlet crusade, or the formation of the forsaken…
-raid on Garithos!
Would love to see one focusing on Arthas’ march on Icecrown.
Maybe one based on Khadgar’s party going through the Dark Portal to close it from the other side.
Maybe one from the original Horde’s perspective of coming through the Dark Portal for the first time.
There are so many things they could hit upon and if done right could be a ton of fun.
What about saving the Tauren from the Centaurs in the barrens/ Mulgore.
Sound like better dungeons than the random ones we get along the way. Good way to revisit the stories too 
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That would be cool as well. If they put a little effort in they could create a ton of fun content in essentially one zone.
The caverns of time really does seem to be very underutilized at the moment.
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A raid where we tried to defend Silvermoon against Arthas would be amazing.
…Really a raid based on any of Arthas’ big battles would be amazing.
The original War of the Shifting Sands, where Fandral’s son died.
Some of the battles from the War of the Ancients.
Gul’dan’s original intrustion into the Tomb of Sargeras.
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Orcs linking up with darkspear. The infinite could delay the escape effectivley wiping out the horde.
Many good stories to tell.
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Caverns of Time: The Destruction of the Horde.
Probably MoP styled dungeon where Vol’jin doesn’t get rekt by a horde assassin only to stumble away from it. Or it could be a current dungeon with the current expansion where Sylvanas is victorious and rules over all of Azeroth.
Speaking of MoP, they could use a Caverns of Time scenario to re-tread the legendary cloak questline for those of us who missed it, so we can learn who the hell Wrathion even is.
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Steamy Romance Novel: The Dragon and the Boy King.
Wrathion has a lot of potential lore wise though being one of the few black dragons that isn’t really corrupt though.
Escaping with Maiev from the temple.
A whole lot of possibilities.
This kind of stuff could be added for a Warcraft anniversary event (not just wow)