I know there are many like me who are not fond of the rare change they made several months back in ZC. Arguably, it has made this achievement extremely difficult to complete and the zone itself seems to have a recent phasing issue I have never seen before until recently.
First of all, is there any explanation I may be missing as to the spawn rotation for the rares? I ask because I simply have not seen Brullo the Strong since this new change.
Secondly, I am missing Brullo, Zskorro and Magtembo for this damn achievement. As stated above, I have yet to see Brullo spawn. Most recently, I’ve seen Magtembo and Zskorro several times. When waiting for more people to get there (which the zone is dead, so I am lucky to find people), the moment someone gets near me I phase into a different shard and they along with the boss disappear. I am not grouped with these people, so there should be no phasing issues.
Lastly, why the hell can’t these rares be reduced to level 70 already and scale with the amount of people fighting them? This zone is extremely dead now and I can’t find people most of the time to help kill them. Yes, I am aware there are several classes that can solo these, but not all can. My Shaman sadly can’t solo these mobs and a rare such as Zskorro spawns adds and just demolishes me.
I know there have been several topics about ZC but I haven’t seen much discussion on these issues, especially for achievement hunters. I also can’t believe this rare spawn change hasn’t been reverted yet. It’s abysmal.