Caution When Using "Gear Update" from Char Select

I saw this on two of my characters (the mage Victorria and the demon hunter Vaerick). Thought I’d give it a try on the DH, but it reduced his ilvl from 267 to 174 and deleted everything in his bags.

If you see this upgrade, don’t use it unless you want a set of 174 greens and all your inventory to be deleted (at least his gold wasn’t reset!). There really should be a description that “New gear and bags” means 174 greens and not just new bags, but deleting all currently equipped items and bag contents.


Edit: Thx to Battlecruisr for the clarification that your old items are mailed to you.

Your complete inventory and previously equipped items are mailed to you.


Also don’t use it on allied races that you intend to get to 50 for heritage armor, because it apparently flags them as a “boost” and removes their eligibility.

I still didn’t get It. Luckily nothing was really important there