Cauterizing Shadows

As Shadow this talent is beyond worthless. It says it heals for about 25k. Is this bugged?

It’s not meant to be an impactful heal to play around. It’s pretty much meant to be just some form of passive sustain. The dungeon I just did at 568 Shadow it healed a total of 1.39M, which was 6% of my overall passive healing.

It seems fine to me, just maybe not as far down on the tree as it is. It’s also usable by Disc for passive healing as well since it’s on the Priest tree.

Well thats the thing. A 25k heal is nothing, as Discipline its 160k. I dunno man I just feel like Shadow doesn’t do much healing overall, could be wrong though.

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It’s not really meant to do healing though. Outside of Vampiric Embrace windows, your healing at best should be supplementary and non-impactful. It would cause some massive balance swings if Shadow did massive healing just passively outside of VE.

I think anyways. Maybe it’s a hot take. shrug

It’s a terrible talent.

If it’s not meant to do healing then what is the point of the talent?
I mean i don’t think it needs to do massive healing but 25k is less than a renew tick. And it only procs when an enemy dies that is afflicted with Shadow Word: Pain, or when it has 5 seconds left in its duration. So you get less than a renew tick when an enemy dies that’s a joke. Or less than a renew tick every 20 seconds.


It’s awful, it’s just free because there’s very little else worth taking on the tree.

It’s meant to require you to waste a point before you could take the point behind it that is theoretically worth taking… If Cauterizing Shadows didn’t exist.


Shadow has talents in it’s own tree that need to be looked at before something as inconsequential as Cauterizing Shadow even gets considered.

Small indie company?

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