First, RoP is a “prequel” to LOTR, is presented by Amazon Prime, and is currently in Season 2 (the show has been renewed for a third season).
Secondly, the producers/directors sure found some great writers, because where (imo) season one got a bit draggy, the second season kept up the action in addition to introducing the main characters of the third age. You should be able to pick them out by name almost immediately. Unless I missed it, however, I didn’t see Goldberry with Tom Bombadil as the future Gandalf was visiting with him.
You may have some difficulty with the two hobbits, looking just a little like toddlers, but their dialogue and what they do with and for Gandalf will endear them to you pretty quickly.
One of the Hobbiits, Poppy Proudfoot (“Proud FEET!”) meets a boy and falls in love and has what looks like a first kiss for both of them. A clever “trick” in the music includes the first 2 phrases from the popular song “The Shadow Of Your Smile”. It’s an oldie, so most of you won’t care, but I noticed it right away… It shows up right at the kiss, so if you know the song, that’s where it is.
I won’t reveal too much more, but I have to add that I laughed out loud when Sauron, in Elven disguise, landed in the basket of a trebuchet and got his sorry butt launched into a wall. Cute.
One thing I caught which I thought very clever on behalf of the writer (s), was when the group rode into the murky depths of The Dead Marshes. One of them was heard to comment on its foreboding nature: “Even the trees seem ill at peace.”.
“Ill at peace?”, I said out loud. Shouldn’t that be “ill at ease”? After considering it, however, I came to the conclusion that it was appropriate due to the fact that, if you take the sentence in its entirety, it rhymes (“trees-ease”), so I gave it a nod for cleverness.
I’ll add more as I gather some stuff, but just know that this is the season where all the main players are introduced, and that should make you want to wish it were time for season 3 already.
Thanks for reading my “mini-review”. And ja, I know I “picked some nits”, but I can’t help it, some stuff just jumps out at me and the former teacher in me wants to say something about it.
Bill and Ol’ Jonãs