Cats the movie

One question: why do their faces not look right? Lack of whiskers.

The movie with Mysterio was much better than Cats. I want to see it again and again.

i unironically love cats and i really really hate the look of them in the movie
they look bald w/o the big glam hair the stage costumes have, and the faces are way way too human-looking. like, even just adding a bit of makeup to give the illusion of more cat-like facial features would go a long way to making them look better

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It probably wouldn’t hurt the studio to pull a Sonic with this one. Just to at least make it look less weird (especially the noses).

I’ve tried with Cats. I’ve really tried. I’ve seen it live a couple times, I’ve seen it on video, I’ve heard the music a million times.

I’ve tried seeing it solely as art, I’ve tried seeing it as a social statement, I’ve tried. Only because it was my late mother’s favorite play, and I really wanted to be in the same headspace when it comes to Cats.

It’s like that other OT thread, “Movies that are critically acclaimed that you hate.” It’s the critically acclaimed play that I cannot stand.

Dunno what it is about it. Oh, well. I guess I will give the movie a shot, but I don’t have high hopes.

:joy_cat: :kissing_cat: :pouting_cat: :scream_cat: :smile_cat: :smiley_cat:


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It looks terrible. I got bitten with les mis and I don’t think I’ll bother with cats.

I really loved the phantom movie though.

I remember seeing the TV ads around the time its Broadway run was coming to an end and being absolutely horrified.

The wife showed me the trailer and I was kind of surprised at how bad they look. I mean I like CGI in a lot of things, but it’s painfully clear they are just faces with an entire cgi body and it does not look good. Why not just do what the stage show did and have them in outfits? Wouldn’t that cost a lot less? The wife is on the fence about it, especially changing some of the characters, like the one Judi Dench. She doesn’t dislike Judi but she doesn’t understand the change from male to female and how the song is going to work now. I guess we’ll see…or rather, she’ll see…they creepy. lol


to be fair cats is… weird as heck

the basic plot is like, a bunch of cats get together and sing about themselves so that they can be chosen to go to… i don’t know if it’s like the cats equivalent of heaven or whatever, and be given another chance or be reborn anew or whatever

the source material is like, literally a book of poems ts elliot wrote for children that have no connection to each other aside from them being about jellicle cats. that’s a lot of stuff they had to make up to string it all together into something resembling a story

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He should’ve done miss saigon instead