Cats hype and bye wotlk

Super hyped for cats today. Hopefully we see less of the troll posts as it’s actually here. Wotlk was beyond boring and didn’t live up to the hype. Wotlk perma servers were never gonna be a thing so I’m glad. See everyone this afternoon let’s have some fun!!!


12 months from now:
Super hyped for MOP today. Hopefully we see less of the troll posts as it’s actually here. Cata was beyond boring and didn’t live up to the hype. Cata perma servers were never gonna be a thing so I’m glad. See everyone this afternoon let’s have some fun!!!


Some are ranting about rng on the archeology.

I don’t know if they know that crap rng would be in wrath 4eva too. If they missing that one item, yeah…wrath rng is just as cruel .

Not even an invincible rant, I couldn’t get yogg to drop mail pants for a mog in retail. I Didn’t even need it for gear. Just the look. 4 hunters, 3 months weekly. All loot to me. It was never in the pile sadly. Solo one shot to speed up the race to failed rolls lol.

lol hes not gonna get it

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I mean cata and mop had a really good pvp scene… much more than wotlk had

But I see what you’re trying to do


You won’t. I expect more troll posts (at least for a while).

lol when are u gonna learn all recycled versions of this game gonna turn out trash

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You mean less troll threads like this? We’ve already been in cataclysm for weeks.

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Bro cataclysm launches today relax man. Just breathe.

Well in my op, cataclysm was fun, and wrath was not beyond boring. And anyone who disagrees with me. I disagree with them to.

And wrath classic deserves a permanent option to. And I disagree with anyone who disagrees that that also.

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RIP Bozo.

Mktaar. The answer to the question nobody asked. EVER.

And I never asked for your opinion. I only asked people who shared the same opinion I do, to share their opinions.

Anyone else’s opinions, well. They are completely wrong and don’t matter.

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