Cats are jerks

My cat recently began to have restroom issues and would go around 30 times while I was in the kitchen, I thought maybe he just needed to go and couldn’t and would work it out. He then begin to pee on everything I own.

So I called the vet and they asked to see him, I brought him and they told me he has the worst anxiety they’ve ever seen in a cat that’s not a rescue or stray and is a pampered Maine C-on.

Now he’s on special anxiety kitty food and eats more expensive food than I do. Bastard.

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They actually like watching the water slop out. I had a cat that did this constantly. She would pull the water bowl, and then watch the water run along the ground.

Did it help him, the food?

There is special cat hemp oils that helps with that. Although I’m sure a vet approved diet works better. If that gets too expensive there is cheaper options to explore.

I had a Siamese cat years ago that was very hyper and just had a very fun personality. That cat would start on one end of my apartment and run as fast as she could to get enough speed to climb the door on the other end of the apartment all the way to the top. She did this a lot. The cat was a bit destructive when she was a kitten, but I loved that cat. She was unique in her personally and just a total nut.

One thing that really has stuck with me is how she would literally attack my feet every morning at 5 am. Every…single…morning :neutral_face: My boyfriend at the time lived with me and one of his friends was going to stay the night. He also loved our cat because of her nutty personality. She was just a kick to have around. Anyways, we told him that he should shut his door when he went to bed because he might get woken up at 5 in the morning having his feet attacked. He insisted it was fine and left the door open.

Sure enough, at 5 am we heard our friend screaming lol. Our awesome kitty had struck again :stuck_out_tongue: Once we got her spayed though she was sadly never the same. Her nutty personality just seemed to disappear and she just pretty much lied around all the time all calm.

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My cats make me happy. They are clicker trained, walk on leashes and do agility courses in my house- so yeah… it’s totally your kitties fault that you have not trained him/her to leave your food alone and respect your space.

Don’t even think about getting a horse : )

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