Cat/prowl macro

I’m looking for a macro that puts me into cat/prowl if I’m not in cat. And if I’m in cat, just prowls/unprowls me.

Right now I’m using

#showtooltip prowl
/cast cat form
/cast prowl

I can go into cat/prowl from any form. But if I try to stealth/unstealth while in cat it casts my form again and wastes mana.

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#showtooltip Prowl
/cancelform [noform:3]
/cast [noform:3] Cat Form
/cast !Prowl




This one keeps me in stealth, and doesn’t let me unstealth though.

I searched a few weeks back and couldn’t find one or figure it out.

So I gave up with the thought it isn’t possible. Going to keep track of this in hopes you figure it out.

I currently just cancel the aura manually to get out of stealth without attacking something.

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#showtooltip Prowl
/cancelform [noform:3]
/cast [noform:3] Cat Form
/cast Prowl

great druid macros here


Pressing two buttons is hard?

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That won’t unprowl

I am using it right now. It unprowls.

Using an exclamation mark wont unprowl i.e. !Prowl


You’re my hero <3

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Ah, thanks dude!

So the exclamation keeps it from being repeated? This works for all commands?

Also, is there a way to put a cooldown on it being repeated? Something like 2 seconds?

the exclamation wont cast skill if its currently in use.

Works for all commands, yea.

Not sure about the cooldown, but because of the GCD there is a i believe 1 - 2 sec CD so you wont accidently unstealth unless you are really spamming the button.

Anyone know a macro for cheetah form on land, and aquatic form in water

Never mind, found it.

No powershift

/cancelform [stance:1] [stance:3]
/cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; Travel Form


/cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; Travel Form

Just found this, wow this macro is amazing, thanks!

The only problem that I have with these macros is that I like to use the same hotkey to cancel my form and go into caster without having to have another keybind.

Here’s a macro I use so I can have a single keybind to either prowl or charge, depending on whether I’m in cat or bear form.

/cast [form:3] Prowl; [form:1,@mouseover,harm] [form:1,@target,harm] Feral Charge

Or you can combine ravage if prowling, shred if you’re not, and charge if in bear form. Again, this is so you only have to have one keybind for common actions.

/cast [form:3,stealth,harm] Ravage; [form:3,nostealth,harm] Shred; [form:1,@mouseover,harm] [form:1,@target,harm] Feral Charge

Unfortunately, that isn’t possible. Here is my version of prowl and ravage:

/cast [nocombat, stance:3] Prowl; [stance:3,stealth,nocombat] Ravage; [combat] Ferocious Bite;

To further explain why you cannot have the same bind to prowl and unprowl:
Your first conditional checks if you’re in cat, if yes, go stealth.
If first conditional isn’t true, moves on to second one.
Now since you’re in stealth and you’re not in combat, second conditional is true, so it’ll ravage.
So now you’re in combat, that means first and second conditionals are not true, so it’ll go to the third one, and does ferocious bite.
So you’ve killed the mob, and you’re back out of combat. You hit your bind.
Your first conditional will now be true since you’re not in combat and is in cat, it’ll cast Prowl to stealth.

The only workaround I have for this is I have my #3 bind with that macro. And my #7 bind with the normal Prowl spell. That way, if I’m not in combat but I want to leave stealth, I hit #7.

EDIT: Exactly what are you trying to do with your current binding? Perhaps I can help. I didn’t read the part clearly where you mentioned you wanted to go into caster with same bind.

Not exactly on topic but here is a the macro I made last nite that I’ll share.

/cancelform [nostealth]
/cast [nostealth] Cat Form; Pounce

Basically: If in kitty stealth do pounce, Else powershift. So simple I was upset I hadn’t made it before.

The reasoning is I can’t think of a purpose to powershift while in stealth and I only use Pounce while a cat in stealth. So frees up a hotkey.

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OMG Dude you are the man! I can’t believe this works! I have wanting this function/macro since launch! If I could pay you I would, this is the greatest thing ever! Thank you soooo much for posting this!

when do you need to unstealth yourself with a macro anyway?

/cast [noform:2] !cat form
/cast [form:2] prowl

looks contradictory but it prevents you from leaving cat form as a cat but you can stealth and become visible again you can easily use/keybind alt+1,2,3,4, for your main forms or use a /cast [stance:X] stance name before you spell that needs to be in a certain stance it will require if on the GCD to press twice. like this

/cast [nomod,stance:4] Starsurge
/cast [nomod,stance:0/1/2/3/5/6] Moonkin Form
or something like this

/cast [nomod] solar wrath
/cast [mod:alt,stance:0/1/2/3/5/6] Moonkin Form
/cast [mod:alt,stance:4] lunar strike

but its the same thing as saying cast in all listed forms. The other is more compact and simple and says dont cast me in the form you tell it which is usually the form you want.

last example

/cast [nomod,@mouseover] wild charge
/cast [nomod,stance:4] flap

if used in Moonkin form you will flap when you disengage without triggering an error message each time you use wild charge.

while still keeping full functionality of wild charge for form:0-3