[Bronzebeard/Shandris] Category Five is recruiting!!!.... AGAIN
CATEGORY FIVE was founded at the start of Vanilla (holyshiz) by Bagatelle, MenaceKiz & Diremudflap. Although some of the original GMs (Kiz & Dire) have since retired, we are still running at full speed! We are currently 8/8 Normal Uldir, and 5/8 Heroic Uldir (getting closer... every... day...)
We are looking for QUALITY players & friends to join our casual runs & progression runs. Experience not required, as we can always teach someone how to raid... but we cannot teach someone how to be a decent person! we would like individuals who want a sense of community and are committed to becoming Cat5 allstars.
MONDAYS: 6 to 9 server, Normal full clear uldir, FLASK & FOOD PROVIDED.
THURSDAYS: 6 to 9 server, Progression heroic uldir. FLASK & FOOD PROVIDED.
Please get in touch with our officers if interested: Bagatelle - Bronzebeard, Mookey - Bronzebeard, Ilili- Bronzebeard, Tydarion - Bronzebeard
or message this account! :)
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Hi there..
I used to raid hard mode back in wrath of lich king. I am returning to the game and looking for a place to raid along with mature ppl.
if you guys are in need of disc or holy priest, I am game. gear is on low side atm but I am working on it.
I used to raid hard mode back in wrath of lich king. I am returning to the game and looking for a place to raid along with mature ppl.
if you guys are in need of disc or holy priest, I am game. gear is on low side atm but I am working on it.
Moved to this guild after my old one disbanded. I've been having a great time here! It's nice to have a consistent raising schedule too.
Cat5 still kicking. Well done folks. If you still have any aussie diehards in there that wanna play classic hit me up. I’ll be on the horde side pvp server
Tell Az howdy!
Much Love for Cat5, always