Catchup mechanic bugged (19 renown) after covenant swaping

My character is stuck at 19 renown (after a covenant swap) and cannot drop renown emblems from any of the regular catchup sources… I completed the 1000 anima + 5 maw souls at renown 17 and since then haven’t dropped any renown. I completed the 3/3 calling quest and did not drop anything either… I believe the system thinks I no longer need catcup renown since I am 19 and did my 2 renown quests of the week… A LOT of people seem to be having the same issue…


On Tuesday, the Calling I had showed it would give me a Renown. After hitting 19, I went back to do the Calling and it no longer showed it would give me a renown. Been stuck on 19 ever since.


I’m having the exact same issue after swapping covenants. What I think has happened is when we’ve done this weeks quests (anima + souls) which got us to renown 19 with the help of some catch up renown, the game no longer thinks we’re behind as this week is 18-21, therefore isn’t dropping catch up renown anymore. In hindsight, what you, I and everyone else who is in this boat should have done is gotten to renown 19 with only catch up renown and THEN completed this weeks weekly quests. So annoying - I really hope they fix the issue!


Makes sense. After the reset I’ll try getting renown up before I do the weekly quests. If we can get to 21 w/o those quests, then everything should work normally again.

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See if you have a quest called “Return to Oribos” in any of the zones, it should show on the map. It’s the quest for finishing up threads of fate which they recently changed and it rewards 1 renown. If you’ve already done this, I’m in the same boat as you and I’m hoping tonight’s reset will give me a calling with that 1 extra renown, otherwise I imagine there’s some quest somewhere that we all haven’t thought to do that rewards a renown.

This is my first 60 who I changed covenants on, so there would be no threads of fate quests.

I am also stuck at Renown 19, did everything i could to catch-up but even after tons of heroic dg’s and also Mythic and M+, even Pvp and raids. I haven’t droped a coin. This catch-up system is clearly bugging !


My alt is having this issue. Had this issue last week as well, being stuck at 16 when the max was 18.

It is just so frustrating to know that the most basic feature in the new expansion is bugged like that… Anyway at this point I’m considering swapping covenant and swappaing again to come back to this one… do you think it would work?

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I think Immunise has figured out what is going on. After reset I’ll be working on getting to 21 BEFORE I do the 2 weekly renown quests.

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I personally wouldn’t do that as it will take you 2 weeks to get back into the covenant you leave. Next week, after reset, don’t accept or do any weekly quests until you’ve reached renown 21 from catch up renown, THEN do the weekly renown quests and we should be back on track.

Having a similar issue but didn’t switch covenants. Didn’t max my renown last week. picked up all quests this week, completed and got to 19 on Wednesday. No other covenant quest has provided renown as a reward yesterday or today. Also not dropping from Dungeons, BG’s or other max level content as Blizzard has suggested in other posts. Not sure if this is intended or not. I will try the suggestion of only picking up the quests that offer renown on Tuesday and see if I am able to reach the Cap. Quite frustrating not being able to reach the cap that blizzard has set though. Please fix this!

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same thing here, renown 19, did everything and can’t get more renown