Catalyst season 4, we don't have confirmation of how yet?

So I’m sure we all have theories, whether it’s 1 a week from the start, keeping current charges, etc

But has Blizzard actually posted anywhere how the Catalyst will work next week yet?

At this stage I’d assume it would reset, but be happy if it doesn’t :rofl:

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There was a recent article on wowhead stating the catalyst will be weekly. I’m going to guess it will start from the beginning. Blizzard doesn’t care what we do during fated season.

I don’t know how to link to the quote. It’s listed under the Items section of the season 4 blue post from yesterday. Just above PVP changes.


(As stated above)


They mentioned it in their last s4 content update


  • Revival Catalyst charges have been reset to 1. One charge is earned each week (was every 2 weeks).
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Thank you! Egg on my face for missing it

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Not your fault. I missed it and I didn’t check latest blue post updates either till Lucifer pointed it out. Credit is to them

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