Catalyst Quest Not Tracking

Completed Feast/World Boss/Hunt on my main for 55%
Completed World Boss/Hunt an alt 85%
Completed World Boss on another alt… not all progress dropped back down to 55% and nothing I do changes it on any toon. This is ridiculous. Now cant get what I need on my main.


Same issue, I’ve done on 3 toons now:
World Boss
Fields of Ferocity elite quest
Spellforged Creation elite quest

based on what these should be (20%, 10%, 10%), I should be at 40%x3 or 120% complete…however my quest is only at 30%

Have not been able to get progress beyond 20% and I have completed all the requirements for Aid the Accord plus some Dragonflight dungeons. Gates to player power are controversial to begin with. Setting these gates up that don’t work is really bad. Blizz, please consider just having the Catalyst Charges generate automatically.

As an update, I apparently have a bunch of “Passing Renascence” in my bags, which appears to be an item that is supposed to go towards my quest completion

I got to 40% and nothing I do progresses me further