The multi dollar indie company that can’t get anything right ever . Picked shoulders in my vault thinking i would use catalyst on champion head piece lmao.
Champion gear from the weekly, pre hot fix, still can’t go in the catalyst. At least for me.
So, unlike Season 3, our power level is lower for alts looking to jump into the thick of things. In Season 3, you could catalyze gear for free (to S2 gear) that lowered the power gap between players jumping in to being a level above. It served as a good catch-up mech. This season, in the supposed “accelerated” season, that gap is now put back in place with little communication as to what the intention is for gearing at lower levels.
Very little thought and testing went into this season.
Only the Champion TW piece is eligible at the catalyst, the Hero TW is not, and two Veteran pieces from outdoor world content are not.
With today’s reset, the Hero TW has become eligible to convert to tier at the catalyst (and can be upgraded with crests/flightstones once converted).
My newly acquired Veteran gear can be converted this week, however Veteran gear obtained prior to the hotfix last week still cannot be converted.
My hunter just went to the catalyst to make her first 2 piece set from the 480 veteran gear. Only one worked.
If the Champion and Hero gear can be fixed, so can the Veteran gear. Please make it happen!!
yeah they really need to fix this asap. I could have 4 piece and this bug is preventing that.
Not all of the champion gear is fixed. I went through all my characters last night converting champion pieces to tier and quite a bit of my pieces I got just won’t convert. Reason I didn’t do it last week is when I went to convert pieces last week, if I converted that was it, couldn’t be upgraded and further.
I have some veteran Cobalt Watcher’s gear that does not work in the catalyst either. i don’t know when i got them. pretty sure they all came from the new awakened gear boxes, that have come from the weekly, the world bosses etc.
I also did make tier on 2 different pieces for my mage. the new 502 gear both got the season 3 bonuses and tier names. wtf?
Edit: The Ottuk Hide gear is not working, but the Suffused gear does work. all of these items came from various events, weeklies, world bosses, etc,
All my gear for my characters has come out of the loot boxes and some works and some doesn’t. As you mentioned the Ottuk Hide and Suffused, some of my Suffused doesn’t convert and some of my Ottuk did. To me it just seems very random on the items.
Can confirm that some veteran gear is still bugged. Hopefully they can fix this? To me it appears as only gear I got before the hotfix.
So I have 2 Champion pieces from last week. I can turn 1 into tier but the other I can not. Blizz plz fix this
I’ve done all the weekly world quest stuff every week on my mage, and I have two pieces of tier gear total.
I have like at least 6 items in my bags that can’t upgrade. Some from each week.
This issue is so extremely frustrating. I don’t want to keep using my old set pieces, I want to use the 480 pieces I’ve gotten this season, but I can’t break my set bonus because its too good and I can’t upgrade the 480s because its bugging.
My hunter also had a few pieces of bugged loot, yet my priest has seemed completely unaffected(thankfully since that’s my main at least)
blocking certain gear by source,seems odd, when the same game system will give you champion versions of that gear.
At the very least, the threshold should be champion gear and above no matter the source.