We’re recruiting! We’re looking for a rogue (an IEA would be a plus), resto druid, mage, fury warrior, OT warrior, holy priest, and any exceptional players! If your name is one to two syllables and easy to pronounce, that’s a plus too. Feel free to reach out! Have a few DPS spots that can be filled by almost any class and need a healer and OT.
Catalyst is a semi-hardcore raiding guild home grown on Pagle. Currently 13/15 Naxx, AQ40 9/9 since week 1, including Visc. We aim to clear all content in a timely manner while maintaining a relaxed attitude. We are going to stay throughout classic and do TBC once released.
Players are not required to min/max and stack all possible buffs but a minimal amount of consumables and some world buffs is expected from each raid member. We have a summoning network for every single world buff that is open for several hours prior to raids.
View our values and guild constitution here:
Raid Times (All times Eastern/Server):
Tuesday: 8pm-10pm
Thursday: 8pm-10pm
Sunday 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Loot Distribution: We use a steady point suicide kings style system with class based loot list.
Raider Openings:
Mage: Low Priority
Druid: Resto-Low Priority
Warrior: Fury-Low Priority
Rogue: Low Priority
Warrior: Tank-Low Priority
Priest: Holy/Disc/Weaving-Low Priority
Priest: Shadow-Closed
Hunter: Closed
Paladin: Closed
Warlock: Low Priority
***Exceptional players always considered
Applicants may apply at: https://forms.gle/LdfbW3VUGzPjYo3fA or contact Pup (Pup#0069) or Mastusius (Mastusius#2643), Posh (Posh#6435) or any Officer via discord or in game.