<Catalyst> 8/8 BWL Recruiting Holy Pally / DPS

Recruiting one holy paladin , considering other strong DPS.

Catalyst is a semi-hardcore raiding guild home grown on Pagle, currently 10/10 MC 1/1 Ony and 8/8 BWL. We are running a single raid team. We aim to clear all content in a timely manner while maintaining a relaxed attitude. Players are not required to min/max and stack all possible buffs but a minimal amount of consumables is expected from each raid member.

**Raid Times **
Tuesday &Thursday 8:00pm - 10:00pm EST
Sunday 7:00pm - 10:00pm EST (As needed)
If we are close to finishing a raid and a consensus with the raid is made, we will slightly extend past raid time to finish.

Also have an established Alt/PUG raid on Saturdays at 7:00pm

**Loot Distribution **
We use a steady point suicide kings style system with class based loot list.

Raider Openings
Mage: Accepting Strong Applications
Paladin: Holy Open
Warriors: DPS Accepting Strong Applications
~~Warriors: Tanks Closed ~~
Rogues: Closed
Priests: Holy Closed
Priests: Shadow Closed
Hunters: Accepting Strong Applications
Druids: Closed
Warlocks: Closed

Applicants may contact Posh (Posh#6435) or Treat (Treat#8150) via discord or in game.

We have a ton of fun and we’re active! Come learn where babies come from!

Bumped for recruitment changes, still looking for a Holy Paladin!