Semi-HC 10m HC guild
Raid 1: Tuesday/Sunday - 6pm ST (9pm EST)
Raid 2: Saturday - 5pm ST(8pm EST)
Loot: MS>OS+1
Goals: Consistent clear of all Heroic content (10m) with an emphasis on parsing once were farming
Current Progress: 12/12n - 7/13 (Raid 1) 6/13 (Raid 2)
Who we are:
Small group of friends who have played together on retail/era/sod. We have gotten a solid 10m together and are making solid progress every week. Were now looking to do a second raid. Looking for a few more solid players to fill out the second raid. Groups of friends welcome.
Currently Looking For:
Tank: Feral OT for Raid 2
DPS: Melee x 1 (Raid 2) Ranged dps x 2 (Raid 2)
Heals: 1 x Resto Druid/Sham for Raid 2
Exceptional applicants always welcome
Raid 1: LF 1xHealer + 3xDps (Hunter/Ele/Spriest/Lock/Ret/UH DK)
Raid 2: LF 1xHealer
Will consider any applicants who want to clear Heroic 10m content ASAP and plan to play consistently. Most of us raid on 2 characters so there’s lots of flex to fit a few more people in.
Main things we want:
Good mentality (show up to raid prepared and ready to learn together + want to improve)
Get along with the group (we want to have fun raiding)
Team player (willing to swap specs if needed)
Desire to parse once contents on farm
Wil emphasize again were looking for fun people to raid with. Were a few weeks in and have a good group going. We arent trying to get to big, just have enough for a two raid teams that work together and people to pvp/dungeon with.
Discord: FDWffNj65Z
PST Darkfriends-Whitemane / Grizvok-Whitemane or inquire on Discord