Our “Excellence” raid team is currently recruiting to round out or roster for the current progression tier and in preparation for Firelands raids.
We are seeking:
- Hunter
- Rogue (Assasin or Combat, but a Sub offspec would be ideal)
- Arms/Fury Warrior
- Resto Druid
- Disc Priest
Also Considering:
- Elemental Shaman
- Resto Shaman
- Ret Paladin
- or any exceptional DPS are encouraged to apply
Raid Leader: Owlcowpwns, Kaerik
Raid Focus: Competitive Progress, Achievements
Raid Nights: Tuesday and Thursday Night
Raid Times: 9:30PM - 12:30am EST
Loot Rules: Onslaught Loot List
To Apply: discord.gg/fair-play-mankrik