Cataclysm was the single greatest WoW expansion to ever release

You just listed everything I hated about Cata. Good job.

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People recall how bad it was because of the huge content gaps.

People recall how great wotlk was, letā€™s see if it still is after we have all done Naxx for 6 months in classic now.

I think for a prog server cata would be better than wotlk.

I know this is a troll but i have no idea why people praise firelands. It was an ok raid, but nothing crazy good. Like I understand the Ragnaros love, especially on heroic but after that itā€™s kind of eh.

Cata Ret was bomb. I loved playing it as my alt through like WoD. No idea on Prot or Holy though.

Holy power worst thing to ever happen to paladin

It wasnā€™t bad in bfaā€¦ I confess i didnā€™t play much paladin prior to that point though. And Iā€™ve never played prot or ret. : /

Naw I loved it, again, for ret. What I didnā€™t like over time was how they normalized adding in a new resource and then removing mana management entirely from them.

same. transmog is horrible. makes me not care about my accomplishments bc a noob next to me can look like a god by doing old content.

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WotLK is just Cata Waiting Room for me.

I plan on staying WOTLK.

But if they do Cataclysm I might try it.

TBH Iā€™d rather Classic be its own thing after Wrath, instead of just a constant stream of rereleases. I heard Old School Runescape has a polling system where a strong majority of players have to approve new features. Would quickly weed out these weirdos who think things like dual spec and transmog is bad. But it would also be cool if we did these polls for new content.

To filter out retail players maybe require one max lvl character before you can vote.

Doesnā€™t compare to ulduar and icc

Both these are debatable. I personally donā€™t mind either but I know people say flying kills the feeling of it being a big world. Transmog messes with the fact the gear you have on should tell how good you are.

Donā€™t remember but itā€™s been pretty solid in a few expansions.

Couldnā€™t care after wotlk because they had to start introducing the books around that time to help make the lore make sense right?

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100% facts. Cata had better class mechanics than MoP, yet for some reason, MoP gets all the praise.

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