Cataclysm - Unobtainable Feralas Quests Blocking Loremaster Achievement

The quest in Ferelas [Ancient Suffering (25423)] and [The Darkmist Legacy (25422)] are both not obtainable to horde right now. Unsure of Alliance. As stated bellow, I have done all the quests in Feralas and I am now 44/45 for the achievement Feralas Quests.

With all my digging through both Cata and Retail Wowhead, I have come to the following conclusions.

  • The quest may(?) be obtainable to Alliance with their breadcrumb quest [The Lost Apprentice (25350)]. It is not obtainable with the Horde equivelant [The Darkmist Ruins (25643)].
  • Old comments on Wowhead are unhelpful as they all point to The Lost Apprentice, which does not work for Horde.
  • The way people in Retail worked around it, was by level syncing with a player who hasn’t done Ferelas before and walking around to do the whole chain together. Unsure if a Cata equivelant of walking around doing the quests with someone leveling would work.
  • This has been a bug in the Beta according to some forum posts

I have completed every other quest in Feralas, including 2 world drop quests. I used Questie and All The Things to verify. The only things I didn’t do were the following:

  • Warchiefs Command to Feralas
  • [To The Summit (25478)] (I did the version from Dustwallow Marsh)
  • [To Stonemaul Hold (25386)] as this breadcrumb didn’t show up for me despite having never done any of the quests in Stonemaul Hold
  • Any Dire Maul quests as when I do Loremaster, I like to leave dungeons/raids till the end. I’ve heard that the DM quests do not count for Feralas.

Hopefully this can help someone else avoid running into this issue, as well as flagging this for a fix!


i’m also having this same issue. 44/45 quest down + i did most of the Dire Maul quest in the hopes one would chain back outside. But wasn’t successful.

there should be 3.

the 2 yeti hides, and the beacon.

only 1 of the repeatable yeti quest is for horde

I have the same issue 44/45 to complete the entire Loremaster achievement, so frustrating, as spent so much time and effort getting this far. Thought I had hit the jackpot with the Gordunni Scroll, to find its no longer in the game.

I have reported the bug more than once in the hope they will finally fix it.

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3 months and no fix what a joke company.

I am also having this problem stuck at 44/45 cant pick up quest to stonemaul hold

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4 months and counting.

Still an issue. Canned “thanks for reporting, sucks to be you” response. 44/45. All 3 drop quests turned in. Wowhead quest completion tracker shows 3 quests lacking (2 "Ancient Suffering, and “Darkmist Legacy” from Sensiria NPC who phased out) and the breadcrumb “To Stonemaul Hold” from Konu Runetotem NPC which does not have a quest option.

All DM quests completed as well. All other world quests completed, proving no follow on to complete this. Have noticed in other chats that people are only having this issue if they had previously completed loremaster achieve prior to cataclysm xpac.

Have any of you actually reported this to classic’s bug report for their QA team? because this one you’re all in is for retail.

Anyone find a fix for Horde completion? Stuck at 44/45 with just “To Stonemaul Hold” left to do… but it won’t work.