Cataclysm Classic: Rise of the Zandalari Now Live!

Cataclysm Classic: Rise of the Zandalari Now Live!

Just when you thought you’d take the advice to “Stay away from da voodoo” a new temptation arises, beckoning you to take the risk, enter Zul’Gurub and Zul’Aman, thwart the machinations of the Zandalari and their brethren, and collect the rewards for your efforts.

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I dont remember the Zandalari much as a focus of Cata.
there was the underwater thing, the big tree thing, the black spooky volcanoes thing, the desert thing… i think… not sure if that was a big part of Cata…
Dont really know a lot as i was only 3/4 the way to high level when Pandaria came out.

The players don’t really have to defeat the zandalari.

Writers will do that later on. they forgot about them as fast as they forgot about a sword sticking out of the silithus desert lol.


Will the original level 70 Zul’Aman be disappearing forever, or will we have a way to go back to it like with Level 60 Onyxia?

Please add a way for us to go back to the level 60 version of ZG, much like Onyxia so we can continue to farm the mounts we never got. There was mention of this during an interview and it would make myself and I’m sure many other unlucky collectors very happy.


just replying with this comment to help the game / forums feel full.

normally a blue with an update to a game mode would trigger 500+ mouse scrolls worth of replies by now.



Well, that’s because the retail forums couldn’t care less about Cata Classic. :slightly_smiling_face:


I don’t known why but I was hoping there would be more. Alpha dungeons or an early start at the molten front maybe.


but, but, we would at least have 500+ mouse scrolls of “who cares” or “cata sucks” by now



Weirdly, that is definitely a screenshot of the original Zul’Gurub, not the Cataclysm version.

And also the splash art of the original Zul’Aman, featuring a boss that doesn’t appear in the Cataclysm version.

uhm yeah they were in cataclysm.

uhm what?

The zandalari were the behind the reinvigoration of the amani and the gurubashi.

Can you go into Naxx from Vanilla in Cata?

It’s kind of interesting that the Zandalari were our mortal enemies for almost 20 years and we tried and succeeded in almost exterminating their entire population… but then they just join right up with the Horde… BUT! According to Blizzard, other races simply can’t join the Horde or Alliance because… we were enemies at one point… or what ever.

If the Z trolls can join the Horde, then a sub faction of the Nerubian (or almost any other race) can join the Horde or Alliance. Blizzard, there are no reasons why this shouldn’t be the case.

Naxx closed when it moved to Northrend in Wrath.

Most used up that negative energy on the blues are coming to play with us in a session.

We are “thrilled” to see them test the new instances. As they avoid other trouble spots we’d like to see them play since it be nice if they fixed them.

yooooo this is sick bro, 2 more dungeons and 0 news about Firelands, I’m so excited to keep loggin 6 hours a week just to reclear raids. Thanks Blizz!

Good stuff. Looking forward to the Troll dungeons!

Firelands will be in October. Check the roadmap, all the info for the expansion rollout is there.

What is the arch requirement?

When are you going to fix the bugs in RBGs?

Capture the flag settings are incorrect.
Last flag cap is not winning.
The game should not end if a flag is pulled.

Where is your bug fixers?