Cataclysm Classic: Rise of the Zandalari Now Live!

Gimme dem welfare epix

So by the roadmap we should expect MoP in about May next year.

Please give us timewalking for ZG at least! You did it with Onyxia’s Lair, surely we can do it for this as well!

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awesome! can’t wait.

I would be okay with bringing back zg if we also brought back a way to go to old naxx.

Why would you want the level 70 raid to come back ? I wouldn’t mind as long as the mount is removed.

What am arch requirement

The news about firelands is this. They did a timeline 3 months ago when everything was going to be released for SoD, Cata and retail. ZG/ZA in july. Firelands in october.

How long have you been playing wow. Your statement of complaining about only logging on for 6 hours suggests not very long as any wow player veteran knows content dries up and phases last about 20 weeks due to pvp seasons.

Week 20 for Cata is the same time the xpac for D4 is to be released so expect firelands a week or 2 after that.

Alot of us are still progging Herpic raids and have like 4-5 pieces of 372 gear. You’ll just raid log the 2nd week of firelands… go play sod or something.

6 hours? Is that 3 characters?

Raidlogging is the dream, I’m working fulltime, I’d rather raid 2 hours a week on one character and clear all the raids while getting 0 items because 10man loot sucks than spend 2 hours a day grinding overfarmed dailies.

I don’t understand why people are so opposed to taking it slow for a few weeks, we have up and downtime in WoW, right now is our well deserved downtime and we’ll have uptime where we can grind stuff in 2 months.