Player health and mana text or percentages are not showing since todays reset, I have switched the settings on and off, reloaded ui and relogged and cannot get it to show back up. As a resto druid main i would like to be able to see my remaining hp and mana easily with a single glance at my player frame. Posting for a bug report.
Yep, it’s not working for me either, but it works for my pet.
Same here, you can see your target HP, if you target yourself you can also see it, but If you dont target anyone its not showing in the regular portrait
Same here, health and mana bars are both blank, won’t show numerical or % amounts
for me as well. Also the health bar above the ability bar just under the rep bar doesn’t show the percentage. Both worked as expected prior to maint.
yup, same here.
Same here only see pets hp and mana
I was freaking out.
I downloaded four different portrait addons to see if it was me.
Of course total UI overhauls like ElvUI would work.
Ples fix. Just seeing a green bar isn’t enough for my zuggledite brain. <3
same issue
Same issue, please fix blizz
Same issue here
WTF is wrong with this company, fix this already.
i have the same problem, when will this be fixed wtf
Still not working, and its driving me nuts since I am a boomie
Same here, pls fix blizz
i was going crazy yesterday with this issue. FIXXXXX plz
/run SetTextStatusBarText(PlayerFrameManaBar, PlayerFrameManaBarText) SetTextStatusBarText(PlayerFrameHealthBar, PlayerFrameHealthBarText)
hover over the frame and text will appear after you input it. If you log out you will have to run it again.
Cheers for that. I copied it into a macro and it’s done the trick. Hopefully its fixed soon though, its been bugging me since yesterday haha.
Doesn’t do anything for me, I’m afraid
This works, thank you!