Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes - October 9

What about the other numerous bugs that have been a plague on cata since the first cata beta patch!!!??? Why havent those been addressed?


Lol theyre a small indie company that had to lay off 75% of there employees and now the few devs that are left are chained to the walls in the basement forced to run on hamster wheels 16 hours a day. to keep the severs up


No, we can’t. :frowning_face:


when will this actually be fixed to regularly work? it’s insane how on certain fights elemental shamans just don’t get to do good damage because the fire elemental just goes afk or on Omnitron keeps attacking the boss with a shield up and then switches to the 2nd boss after it gets its shield up

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We are officially 5 days from October and we’ve had ONE round of Firelands testing. No word on when Firelands is going to come out, no word on when we are even going to get another round of testing after you’ve made us do Tier 11 content for four and a half MONTHS. How is this acceptable to anyone at Blizzard?

Not to mention the number of other bugs that have been ignored. Cataclysm has a much stronger playerbase than any other iteration of classic WoW, yet you continue to ignore it. Wake up, do your jobs and be better. This has been a pathetic effort on the Classic Dev team’s part.


Well this is week 20 so its more like 5 months

5 months of Phase 1 is absurd

They think its ok because they gave us 2 5 man heroic dungeons for the last 2 months!!!

actually the player base has dropped each expasion.

We have had the same bugs since the first beta patch!!!
Also blizzard can you FIX FERAL DPS???

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October 3, 2024
Cataclysm Classic

  • Players must now kill Daakara to complete Zul’Aman via the Random Dungeon Finder tool and receive Valor Points.
  • Druid
    • The fiery cat form from Fandral’s Flamescythe no longer cancels on leaving combat.

Still waitin on that Feralas questline fix… Anyone who can’t see Sensiria due to phasing is just 100% outta luck, tough sh*t? Tried bug reports, customer service, directly complaining in forums…

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Did this not fix that?

Atleast this bug is fixed before we can get the weapon, But how about you actually IDK fix the feral druids clear casting tooltip bug so that it procs off all of attacks and not just AUTO ATTACK??? That would be great!

It would be beneficial to provide feral druids with a buff to ensure they can compete with other DPS classes and avoid being outperformed by Blood DK tanks.

Nope. Long story short is you can get a quest finished before taking hers, and if you hand that quest in you can’t see her again since that phase of the quest chain is finished with. Solutions online all have people getting a GM to credit them or remove completion credit from it in order to phase backward. Customer service told me I either get the quests from other players or I’m S.O.L.

Good old Customer Service. I’m still chuckling from them telling me I never had my Plagueheart helm from Naxx 40, that they’d “confirmed I’d never done the quest so the good news was I could still get it” (two weeks before Naxx40 was going to be gone forever).

Then when Cata dropped guess what was in my collections tab because the server recognized I’d done the quest and had it? lol

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What grinds my gears is they seem to be able to look into certain things and more than they let on, but are unwilling to take the next step toward actually resolving the problem. I can go to wowhead and figure out what’s missing and completed with the copy paste down to the exact step where things go wrong but when it comes to changing a value from true to false or down 1 for the achievement that’s too much.

October 8, 2024
Cataclysm Classic

  • Priest
    • Fixed an issue with the range on Atonement’s healing.

This is literally still broken.

Just had 2 people test it on dummies.


By now, did you expect anything else?

Today is day 131 of honored kills not tracking.


Hmm, maybe I’ll level my old 80 Gnome warlock. Let’s see, I’ll do Hyjal. Talk to the NPC, get ported to Moonglade, where I’m neutral on this toon still…oh

Moonglade Warden’s Shoot hits Ortears for 4,375 Physical.
Moonglade Warden’s melee swing hits Ortears for 5,239 Physical.
Moonglade Warden’s melee swing hits Ortears for 3,821 Physical.
Moonglade Warden’s melee swing hits Ortears for 3,320 Physical.
Moonglade Warden’s Shoot hits Ortears for 3,838 Physical.
Moonglade Warden’s Shoot hits Ortears for 3,710 Physical.
Moonglade Warden’s melee swing hits Ortears for 5,208 Physical.(Crushing)

If ya’ll gave two …you’d have figured this out. Every day going to Hyjal for the Molten Front dailies, getting shot by Wardens. Coming out of the portal from Molten Front, get shot by a Warden. Doing “Protectors of Hyjal” at the Roost? Oh look, there’s a hordie running over to hit this giant I’m fighting one time then running off leaving his NPCs attacking me and mine. Weeeee working as intended lol. Protectors of Hyjal killing Protectors of Hyjal. Dogs and cats, living together!!

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Hey, how about reversing the Feral Druid nerf that was introduced in the last phase of Cataclysm? You know, this one…

“The reduction from 415% to 340% weapon damage for Feral Druids in Cataclysm”

An 18.07% nerf significantly reduces the overall damage output of Feral Druids in DPS roles. Reverting this nerf could help elevate Feral DPS to a competitive level.

October 9, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • It is no longer possible for a Paladin to have Beacon of Light active while not talented into it. If the talent is lost, Beacon of Light will cancel itself within a few seconds.

How about addressing the nerf to Feral damage in the last Cataclysm patch? The one that decreased cat attack power from 415% to 340%, effectively reducing overall damage by 18.07%.

If you truly valued feral druids, you would reverse this nerf. Instead of merely adjusting it to 415%, an apology for such a grievous action would be to increase the damage to 450%.