[Cataclysm Classic] [H] Love is in the Air Quest Bugged

The quest “A Friendly Chat…” in the Love is in the Air quest chain is bugged. Snivel phases out and you can not see him at the zeppelin in Orgrimmar. If you leave the zone (fly into Durator) and come back, the NPC does become visible. But after exhausting all dialogue options you do not receive Snivel’s Ledger, the item required to complete the quest.


He doesn’t become unbugged for me Ive tried flying out front out back hearthing to dal dropping the quest and piicking it back up…no Snivel

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I also tried going to Stormwind to see if the NPC was available to Horde like you could for Brewfest. No beans. :frowning:

I think Blizz just discriminates against the Horde. These quests work just fine on the Alliance side. This happened during the Winter Veil event too, the presents wouldn’t work at first on the Horde side, worked just fine on my Alliance toons.

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This is only bugged on horde side. Confirmed the NPC does not drop the ledger. Does blizzard even play their game? this quest chain takes literally 10 minutes and they cant be bothered to test the quests? Jesus.

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if you fly to azshara he shows up again but doesn’t matter he doesn’t drop the quest item.


true, totally bugged


Day 4, Snivel still bugged for Horde. Can not progress the Holiday event quest chain.


Day 6, Snivel still bugged for Horde. Can not progress the Love is in the Air quest chain much less complete the achievement “Dangerous Love” a requirement of “Fool for Love” necessary for “What a long, strange trip it’s been”. Missing out on those daily “Crushing the Crown” quests is going to be back braking for finishing off all the event achievements for new toons. A blue response on this would be appreciated.


The state of support in WoW is depressing. I play another game with 1/16th the staff of Blizzard that just released a MASSIVE update. Obviously there were bugs, some that completely hindered people’s progress. The issues were identified and acknowledged within hours of release and the game was patched twice in the following 48hrs. The game is every bit as sophisticated as WoW is, if not more so, and it’s just as dated. Blizzard really has no excuse, given it’s size and resources.

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Fun fact, Snivel is indeed available to Horde. Google and wowhead is our friend. He is not on the tower, he is actually down near some taurens at the lunar festival closest to the tower indicated on your map. He’s kind of hidden under the Tauren so He’s easy to miss. Hope this helps some folks complete their Love is in the Air chievs! I retract my previous posts.

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