Cataclysm Classic - 1 macro for different pet's abilities

Would someone be able to tell me what I am doing wrong?
This works for the spirit mend, but it doesn’t work on the others. Basically I am after making 1 macro for a couple different pet’s special ability so that when I swap pets I don’t have to manually swap a macro. I’d like the Spirit Mend to prioritize a friendly moused over target, then myself. For the harmful abilities I’d want it to be used on a moused over enemy, otherwise current target.

/cast [pet:Spirit Beast, @mouseover, help][@player]Spirit Mend; [pet:Moth,@mouseover, harm][harm] Serenity Dust;[pet:Shale Spider,@mouseover,harm][harm]Web Wrap;[pet:Fox]Play

You need to include the pet with each condition set.

/cast [pet:Spirit Beast,@mouseover,help] [pet:Spirit Beast,@player] Spirit Mend; [pet:Moth,@mouseover,harm] [pet:Moth,harm] Serenity Dust; [pet:Shale Spider,@mouseover,harm] [pet:Shale Spider,harm] Web Wrap; [pet:Fox] Play
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Ah! Thank you!