Cataclysm Beta Test Weekends


As we head towards our Cataclysm Classic launch in late May, we’re planning some special test weekends in the Cataclysm Beta.

May 3-6 – Cataclysm Raids Test 1

We’re opening the doors to the new raids that will launch shortly after the expansion, and your testing will help to ensure it’s a great experience.

  • Take on the pit Lord Argaloth deep in the prison of Tol Barad.
  • Battle the cult of the Twilight’s Hammer in Bastion of Twilight.
  • Storm the personal lair of the Windlord in Throne of the Four Winds.
  • Survive the gruesome draconic experiments and the reanimated Nefarian, son of Deathwing, in Blackwing Descent.

May 10-13 – Tol Barad Battleground

Tol Barad, once an outdoor PvP zone, has been reimagined as an instanced 80 v 80 battleground, similar to Wintergrasp in Wrath Classic.

  • We’re also planning a Brawl with the Blues event for Tol Barad. We’ll let you know exactly when.

May 14-17 – Cataclysm Raids Test 2

We’re planning a second raid test to make sure we’re ready for raids to open shortly after launch.

  • This test period will include the same raids as weekend 1.

Thank you for all of your testing and feedback. We hope to see you there!


What is “…shortly after the expansion”? We are going to get at least ~10 days before raids drop, right?


Will you guys please comment on the #somechanges you’ve made and or plan to make? There are a lot of guild system changes for example.


Please announce what changes are being made from original cata, especially any class changes so people can choose accordingly.


Yo, can you please say anything pertaining to the Guild Perk system changes? If what we get in BETA is ‘it’ then these are massive changes that need some explaining. The lack of communication has been abysmal and you’re really leaving some major questions unanswered for weeks now.


Will another massive wave (basically everyone who hasn’t gotten an invite) of beta invites go out this week then?

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Just my opinion, but I think Blizz shot themselves (and us) in the foot here a bit with their scheduling.

Pre-patch is only 3 weeks and has a fair amount to do, esp. compared to Wrath which had a 4 week pre-patch.

I think a lot of people - including myself - who would have done Beta raids will probably pass, whether because their to-do list was already too long, or just to touch some grass before we bust into what’s likely to feel like a pretty frantic 12 months of Cata.

Wrath stayed a bit too long at 20 months, but 12 feels a bit too packed.

I think they either needed to test raids prior to pre-patch, or to add at least one more week to pre-patch.


the classic team cant handle classic and SOD and there is to much overlap between all wow version releases

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It’s becoming increasingly harder to believe that you guys are even listening.


Really? after the massive radio silence you gave wotlk since sod release you think you deserve players to test your things?


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Pre-patch is coming out tomorrow though

Why do you people insist on forcing others to go at your pace? 10 day wait on raids? There is nothing stopping you from just waiting X amount of time before you raid. If you’re worried about falling behind then level fast. You want your cake, you want to eat it too but on top of that you want to deny the cake to everyone else until you’re ready to eat it.

Oh, we’ll have the privilege of queing against you with no pvp gear or pvp trinkets again? Are you going to use GM cheats again like you did last event to prevent being GY farmed?

Last time I made a comment like this you banned me for a week. Same stuff I just said here. Not breaking any rules.

We need ACTUAL pvp testing at some point… are we getting Cataclysm’s Ring of Valor?

You do realize “my pace” is not wanting to miss a lockout in an already shortened phase. Same could be said in your case, but in my case no one can lose and you also get a worldwide release. In your case the majority can lose and you get an earlier/later reset depending on region.

Why even reply to me if youre just going to be mean about this? It was an honest question.

Any word on fixes for DoT classes and Priest mana regen? How about Feral Druid dps misclaculations? Certainly you aren’t going to release Cata like this are you?

Tone aside, their point is you’re missing the lockout either way if you aren’t planning to raid until week 2/3. Other than FOMO, what do you personally lose from the lockout being available to others who are ready to go out of the gate?

I don’t have a strong opinion either way, but their question is valid.

I personally lose potential gear progression. Aside from that…

I don’t care for the “play at your own pace” take because that’s how wow xpacs have released raid content for a very long time now. There’s been an artificial gate for a reason, story. A progression cadence is also required in order to maintain patch relevance.

Whats stopping them from just dropping dragon soul along with every other raid from day 1? How would that be any different from what is being suggested? If you weren’t already setup and ready to go in a guild that’s going to fly through all the content (in these almost seasonal realms) you are just screwed. There’s no way to construct an active community in a more semi-hardcore environment when the content youre stuck doing is irrelevant.

Today’s raid testing will begin at 1:00 p.m. PDT (and will end at 1:00 p.m. PDT on Monday).

See you there!

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Can we get an agi 2h on the vendors? Hunter template comes with 1h weapons only, some of which are str weapons, maces, etc.

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Unless things drastically change in the next 2 weeks, I’d consider delaying the launch by a week to iron more of this out. It’s wild that you guys pushed the broken version we had onto Live.

Templates are so buggy some classes can’t gear properly to test.

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