Victorus aut Mortis is a new and upcoming midcore raid guild looking to clear all Cataclysm content on heroic difficulties. We’re just starting, but looking for anyone with aspirations to success.
We need all roles. We’ll start with 10-man raiding, but if there’s sufficient interest and recruitment success, we’ll switch to 25-man.
We’re laid back, family friendly, and don’t tolerate drama. If you’re interested, hit up Chris#1508 for more info!
I’m interested in joining. I tried to DM you on discord but your username doesn’t seem to come up for me.
I play a Blood and Frost DK worgen. I’m also curious if there are any ideas about when raids would be conducted.
Hi I am interested in joining your guild. I play as Unholy/Frost DK or any spec warlock, just DPS. Wasn’t able to hit you up on discord.
Sorry, guys! That’s actually my battletag. For discord, hit me at thatchrisguy. Sorry for the confusion. And also for any confusion that stems from this being a different toon than OP. That one’s an alt, and I forgot to switch it before I posted that, much to my chagrin.