[Cata][A][Pagle] <Umbrella Corporation>

Umbrella Corporation is a semi-hardcore raid guild looking to clear all content in cataclysm while respecting your time. We are looking for some fresh blood to fill out the last spots of our 10man roster.

Raid times are 8-11est tue/sat.

We currently have a high need for healers and dps.

If this sounds at all interesting to you, send a message to Lusciifi#11307 and let’s get in touch.

Hi, I’m interested in joining but couldn’t contact you on discord. I think I had the right person but DMs weren’t open.

I’m a Blood and Frost DW DK, Happy to play either tank or dps.

Hi! I am interested in joining I play as Frost and Unholy DK or any spec as warlock. Pure DPS.