[Cata][A][Pagle] <Prism> 5/13H Weds 7:30-11:30PM EST Recruiting

[A][Pagle] 5/13H
Weds 7:30-11:30PM EST
Prism is a guild of close friends looking to recruit for our raid group. We are seeking strength DPS and casters to progress through heroic content.
We are a friendly guild, and we make the most out of our short raid schedule. We are looking for players that know their class well and can adapt to encounters accordingly. Even though your class might not be listed here, if you think we might be a good fit for you, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

Looking For:
Frost Death Knight
Unholy Death Knight
Balance Druid
Any spec of Mage
Retribution Paladin
Shadow Priest
Elemental Shaman
Any spec of Warlock
Arms Warrior
& any exceptional players

Loot Policy:
Currently using MS>OS, but likely to switch to loot council as we switch to 25 man raiding

What we expect from you:
90% attendance
Coming prepared with consumables, gems, and enchants

Contact Information:
Kierre#1918 on Battle.net or @Kierre on Discord