Cata vs Sod

Hi I’m getting back to well after not playing since 2012. I’m fortunate enough to be able to play all day and started off with sod. I feel like I’m running out of things to do in sod with four characters all max level basically raid logging.

I’m wondering whether cataclysm will be a better fit considering the amount of time I’m looking to put into the game. I mainly PVE but am not opposed to pvp and thinking of starting it for something to do during the day in SOD.

I was also wondering what the amount of key binds is in cataclysm compared to sod or retail? I don’t want to many due to accessibility issues.

Is there a lot more endgame content in wotlk and cata than sod?

Would also be great if anyone had any educated guesses on the viability of shadowpriest and affliction lock in both pvp and PVE for cata?

I appreciate any help!

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In general, I think I would have to recommend SoD over Cata, primarily because it seems to get more attention by Blizzard. They are clearly just trying to get through Cata asap. I prefer Cata personally, but I am in the minority


If you want to actually progress with your character and visit Mists of Pandaria? Cata. If you’re looking for something very accesible with immediate payoff? SoD.

PvP in SOD is a complete joke. Some people like it, but if you are looking for actual competitive PvP Cata is it.

Shadow Priest is a pretty low action per minute spec. I can’t say how Affliction plays, but I would be surprised if it was that complicated.

There is a lot more endgame in Cata. Though, it is easier to raid on multiple characters in SOD.

Shadow Priest is pretty strong in Cataclysm for both PvP and PvE. I think the same can be said for Warlocks; however, I am not as confident in my assessment as I do not plan to play Warlock.


SOD has 6 months left and is an experiment for Classic + clearly.

Cata will run for 8 months, and clearly will move onto MOP.

Cata has half the binds of Retail.

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SoD is temporary. Cataclysm will be around longer, and will likely lead into MoP.

Play SoD. They’re not even trying with cata. The beta’s full of bugs and crashes and they’re skipping the pre patch event entirely. Though if there’s some exclusive stuff you want from cata or mop in retail, play cata, they’ll almost certainly enable transfers to retail once MoP flops due to mismanagement.


Depends. Sod, will probably go to vanilla+ once they find some way of balancing the runes and classes as well as add new raids. Cata will go to mop. If I were to estimate sod likely has more of a future in plus.

If cata is mop wait room, just play cata with intent to prep for mop.


No offence but I don’t think classic + is coming, they simply don’t have the team required to invest such time into that kind of development. I mean, look at the shortcomings of both SoD and Cata, you really think these guys have an entirely revamped vanilla with large amounts of additional content added in the works?

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Agreed. SOD essentially is classic+.

Right now, Cata and its not even close.

SoD COULD turn things around. It has potential. But right now, its LFR level raid logging, doing the same incursion thing over and over and that’s kind of it. A lot of the new class design leaves a LOT to be desired as well. They’re are some cool fresh ideas like Mage healers, Shaman / Warlock / Rogue tanks but most of the “new” stuff is exceptionally lazy. Its just…the stuff they you gain in TBC and onward. Its not new.

TLDR: Cata for now, keep an eye on SoD.

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