Preface: I do not main dk and have not mained one since WoD.
People that tried both. Which playstyle you enjoy more?
Cata for me me was peak back in the day and recently I leveled unholy dks on both cata and tww. I liked having more rune types, the playstyle or rune conversion to death runes to unleash many scourge strikes, spreading the plague, gargoyle raining death from above while a massive zombie munches on my enemies. Meanwhile TWW I feel like I am popping pimples and throwing a bunch of weak skeletons at enemies.
Cata Unholy made me remember one thing.
A tentie sword.
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Cata unholy.
Cata unholy is almost perfect imo, just lacks a decent self heal. TWW unholy lacks much more than that. MoP/WoD unholy was peak for me.
Does Death Strike and Death Pact not exist?
The 7% heal from death strike is a bit too low, and the runes required don’t fit with unholy’s rotation.
Mind you the 15% heal they tried out in og season 10 was a bit too high, but I think there is some wiggle room between 7% and 15% where we could have found something decent.