[Cata] Traveler's Tundra Mammoth

Cataclysm Classic

Is the Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth mount bugged? I can call the mount but it has no vendors which helps when leveling/repairing.


same here. I had 2 vendors before cata, but now no vendors…


Someone in game told me that the server is busy so they don’t always spawn or only 1 will spawn. They did start magically working (mostly) again. A couple of times only 1 vendor appeared but at least it was the one I could sell items to.

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Same thing for me


For me it’s almost like it changes based on zone??? In Vashj’ir and Hyjal I couldn’t get the vendors to spawn for anything. But in Deepholm and major cities they popped up just fine.

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Same thing for me

This issue is still happening.

Although I did notice that it appears to be related to zone phasing. I noticed the issue on my lvl 81 alt while questing in Hyjal. No matter where I am in the zone, I don’t see either vendors. But when I log over to another alt that’s completed all the quests, the vendors are there.