[CATA pre-patch] Certain guild profession achievements not functioning

Expansion: Cataclysm Classic
Realm: Mirage-Raceway-EU

Some of the guild achievements for professions are not functioning at all. Examples include:

  • The Pen is Mightier
  • Bushels and Bushels
  • Mighty Miners
  • Gemcrafter Extraodinaire (not 100% on this one)

Others do work correctly such as:

  • Skinnin’ For a Livin’
  • Dust, Dust and more Dust!
  • Dinner Party
  • That’s a Lot of Bait

I’ve tried getting to Friendly rep with guild in case that was a requirement. It did not help.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create Character with Herbalism and/or Mining and/or Inscription
  2. Create Guild with character from step 1 as member
  3. Collect herbs from Herbalism nodes, Mine from Mining nodes or create glyph.
  4. Observe that the counters for these achivements do not increase.

it is also noted here from others: [Cata] Bug - Some Guild Achievement progress is not calculating

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Aha, thanks. I did have a bit of a look but couldn’t see it reported elsewhere.