Cata Pre-Event launch feels like a failure to launch

Okay this was getting talked about a little bit in the channel, but there is something very obviously wrong. Cata Pre-event launched with all of the bugs that we were experiencing on the Beta. Right down to the guild chat functionality and the missing talents. These are bugs that got reported, and reported by a lot of people. This feels exceptionally rushed when last I checked these were issues that were still plaguing Beta. I know that there is an expectation of a deadline, and deadlines are put into place for a reason, however at this point, it would have been better to delay than it would have been to launch like this. I know, I know, its an original Blizz experience, however at the same time, we’ve been doing this for 20 years. So we should be at a point where launches should be pretty ironed out.

Signature spells are completely missing for some classes like pyroblast for fire mages. Mangle is missing for some druids. The gchat only works if you leave the guild and come back, and even then it only works until you log out and back in.

Literally these are all bugs that should have been communicated about. If the game is still in beta, I feel like this has no business being on live servers. I know that may come across as harsh, however, at the same time this is not an experience that everyone was looking forward to. I understand that the devs are putting this on the new framework that is on retail, however, again, if the bugs weren’t ironed out already on the beta servers, then the pre-event should have waited.


I’m wondering if it wasn’t launched prematurely to a.) light some fires under some rears, b.) satisfy those that were still logging in everyday to WOTLK and not finding anything to hold their attention and c.) get some back to playing that didn’t have enough there to hold their attention (I was guilty of this myself haha). Either way, I’m glad they brought it on early, the bugs are somewhat getting hashed out and fixed and I have guild members to chat with again!!! Yes, you’d think after 20 years Blizz would be on top of things, buuuuuut with all the recent layoffs across the gaming industry, I’m just thankful they have anyone working on this at all!!

Just my 3 cents :slight_smile:

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