(Cata) Pet Bar

I’m still having this issue with Petbar behind actionbars. Should I just download bartender at this point?

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imagine actually using the pet bar.

Some encounters go very badly if hunters don’t use their pet bar. Nefarian, for example.


For Hunters… /script PetActionButton1:ClearAllPoints() PetActionButton1:SetPoint(“BOTTOMLEFT”,fpet,“BOTTOMLEFT”,800,100)

same for me, both hunter and warlock pet bars are hidden below action bar 2/3. I am using Bartender4 for now until they fix it.

Known issue with the pet bar, no eta on a fix: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/361151

Using MoveAny addon myself until this is fixed by Blizz

Same but mine are missing pet controls such as attack passive , kind of important!

found the pet bar on my hunter but it is missing defensive passive aggresive buttons!

Just look under the pet tab on the spellbook. I taimed a few pets last week and just moved the spells into the slot of how they usually go.

I’ve been dealing with this issue for months on my warlock to the point where I didn’t want to play the toon. I finally figured out that my pet bar wasn’t moved but rather, it was empty. I installed a bar addon and dragged all my pet abilities to the bar. I reloaded and disabled the addon and now my pet bar is showing up normally.

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